The habitus of the main character in Jean-Paul Sartre's novel “Nausea”

  • Ivan BRATUS Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University
  • Halyna KUZMENKO Kyiv Municipal Academy of Circus and Performing Arts
Keywords: habitus, Sartre, “Nausea”, literature, death, freedom


The article analyzes the main questions of the habitus of the protagonist in Jean-Paul Sartre's novel “Nausea”. Habit is chosen as the main unit of measure of the state of the protagonist, his attempts to adapt the surrounding reality to his own reflections. The main goal of the article is to reveal the mechanisms of forming a high habitus and to find ways to improve personal level in an unstable world. It is traced in the article that this tendency is crucially outlined by Jean-Paul Sartre in the work, as he condemns blind adherence to established customs and traditions. It is explored how the writer calls for a rethinking of one's own existence in accordance with a personal understanding of historical, philosophical, social, and other issues. Special attention is given to the issue of the financial independence of the protagonist, which allows him to form a high habitus (one of the factors). The relevance of the study is determined by the need to purify the public information space from falsification. It is proven that the high habitus of the protagonist in the novel "Nausea" helps him to overcome the accumulation of fraudulent facts and not succumb to the temptation to simplify or complicate the historical past in favor of his own point of view. Some psychological mechanisms for understanding reality are described, with which Jean-Paul Sartre experimented in the novel. These psychological mechanisms are closely intertwined with the literary nature of the work and take into account the relevant philosophical, social, and political realities of writing the novel. Special attention is paid to the philosophical foundations of the reflections and actions of the protagonist because partly the work is an attempt to convey Sartre's reflections to a wide audience. Among the questions of philosophical understanding of existence, special attention is given to death, as it attracts the writer with its mystery. This issue is considered in the context of related works by Albert Camus. In addition, the article analyzes the artistic searches of Jean-Paul Sartre in the realm of intellectual search. It is the intellect that helps to significantly raise habitus. In the article, we have analyzed the main findings of the writer in this direction.


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