Keywords: Boris Strugatsky, Arkady Strugatsky, fiction, paradigm of thinking, Soviet literature, the future


In the article, we made an attempt to demonstrate the understanding of the change in cultural and historical paradigms in the work of the Strugatsky brothers. The analysis of the main works of the writers: “Attempt to escape”, “It is difficult to be a god”, “Roadside picnic”, “A billion years before the end of the world” from the point of view of rethinking the paradigms of thinking. It is proved that each new era brings about new factors of perception of reality. The article focuses on the ability of the Strugatsky brothers to foresee future changes in society. In addition, a due place in the study is given to the mechanisms of motivational search, revealed in the models of the probable development of mankind. The elements of Soviet reality are analyzed, which add parallelism to the works of writers. The factors of consolidation of various elements of thinking in a clear structure of social life are considered. We pay special attention to the “truth of life”, which could only be partially demonstrated by the Strugatsky brothers (censorship restrictions). We have introduced excerpts from the autobiographical works of Sergei Dovlatov into the text of the article - with the help of these quotes, a more complete picture of Soviet reality is created. This reality allows us to build conditional constructs of the future, analyze the present and carry out a historical retrospection of the past. The focus of the research allows us to trace the shades of the emergence of freedom in the era of late “stagnation”, which was caused by the deepening of the systemic crisis in the USSR. The Strugatsky brothers worked fruitfully in the field of clarifying the “internal motivation of the Soviet man”. These studies found a lively response in Soviet society – the creativity of the writers was of a semi-democratic format, which was highly valued under the conditions of authoritarianism. It was thanks to this “status” that the writers managed to keep their works acceptable for the official press in the USSR and demonstrate in them the problems of society. In their creative evolution, the Strugatsky brothers moved away from the vulgar sociologization of their first works and made a real psychological breakthrough in understanding human existence, which partly does not lose its relevance in the 21st century they are describing. At the same time, the Strugatskys' reality often balances on the brink of absurdity, which allowed them to trace more deeply the mechanisms of “fate”.


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