Keywords: pantomime, gag, performing arts, clowning, comic, laughter, theater


The nature of laughter and humor has been the subject of research for centuries. For many people, the only practical function of laughter is to bring temporary relief from the burden of utilitarianism. But laughter is a reflex, unique in that it serves a clear biological and psychological purpose, so it can be called a luxury reflex. Another property of laughter is contagiousness. Psychologist Robert Provine, who has researched the ethology of laughter in humans, writes that people laugh thirty times more often when they are around other people than when they are alone. Even when people laugh alone with themselves, they often imagine that other people are next to them – they read a text written by another person, hear his voice on the radio or see him on TV. People laugh when they hear laughter, which is why television comedies use audio recordings of laughter to compensate for the lack of a live audience. The predecessor of this phenomenon was a drum roll or a blow on the rim of a drum after a joke by one of the comedians in vaudeville. Laughter is expressed through sounds not only because it represents the release of accumulated emotional energy, but also because it can be heard by others; laughter is a form of communication.

Based on numerous studies by scientists, it is impossible to underestimate the social significance of artists working in comic genres. Such a phenomenon of reality for each person has its own semantic angles.

One of the most universal types of art, simple at first glance, and at the same time, very complex, is pantomime. To stage a pantomime number – a mimodrama, a “body mime” an allegorical or comic pantomime, we need to know and understand the specifics of using the tools of this kind of art, to see the difference between traditional and classical pantomime; master the technique of pantomime, types of identifications, levels of stylization, simple and complex types of movement, its biomechanics, differentiate allegory and metaphor, grotesque and eccentricity in pantomime, be able to create comic tricks. In this list, geg is a very powerful way of influencing human emotions and a very rare object of scientific research. So, intelligence is aimed at expanding, systematizing and classifying, analyzing the structural unit of the comic, the process of creating a gag.


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