Keywords: inter-artistic interaction, synesthesia, synopsis, artistic giftedness, music, fine arts, integration


The article examines the main interconnecting components of the creation of an artistic image, which are based on such concepts as rhythm, color, composition, and artistic form. The article explores psychological nature and different approaches to the interpretation of the phenomenon of synesthesia as a source of creative solutions in art. Moreover, the specifics of inter-artistic interaction of fine arts and music are revealed in the article. It is noted that synopsia (color hearing) is based on an emotional and semantic assessment of tonalities, chords, or timbres of various musical instruments and vice versa – sound sensations from contemplation of colors or shades. It is pointed out that the tendency to perceive the world through synesthesia, in particular synopsia, affects the ability to perceive and write music, in which colored light is given the role of a full-fledged musical and creative component.  Attention is focused on the existence of a hidden spectrum of internal mechanisms of brain activity aimed at forming a non-verbal sensory-semantic field, which is a prerequisite for the creative process and the creation of an artistic image as a whole. The authors dwell on the problem of giftedness, in particular, artistic giftedness, as a separate independent form of it, which is manifested by the high achievements of the individual in the field of artistic creativity and mastery of a certain type of art. They systematize fragmentary data on little-known facets of creativity and some biographical facts of individual artists who have worked or are working in various fields of art, creating a holistic image of the work: composers, whose professional musical activity bordered on the enthusiasm of the fine arts, and for artists whose life was directly related to music, musical images and musical themes took an important place in their creative heritage. The focus of the research is the connection between art and the actual processes of the present (the emergence of new creative industries, professions that are at the intersection of science and art, the spread of mass media technologies that combine various types of artistic and technical activities, etc.), which are manifested in the trend towards the integration of Arts with science, mathematics, and technology, as well as in the introduction of innovative approaches into the educational process of general secondary education institutions aimed at the formation of a creative, active personality of future specialists in all industries and fields of activity.


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