The master’s biography as a means of studying ukrainian and slovakian mutual cultural interaction (the case study of iu. Kostiuk vital activity)

  • Lesia MYKULANYNETS Mukachevo State University
Keywords: the master’s biography; mutual cultural interaction; Ukrainian and Slovakian relations; music culture; Iu. Kostiuk


The article reveals the role of the master’s biography in explicating mutual cultural co-action between Ukraine and Slovakia of the late 20th century. The master’s biography is a genre of humanitarian studies that reconstructs the life of a prominent individual through the prism of civilizational phenomena. The character of a chronicle narration stands out as an active participant of significant processes of their country, nation and the humanity. Their being reflects a co-action of the cooperative and the individual, the unique and the typical. The research potential reveals the chronicles of the masters who contributed to facilitating mutual cultural interaction between various countries via their personal practice. Their daily life is witnessing their successful self-fulfillment, disclosing the ontological function which promoted building contacts between two (or more) political structures, establishing autonomy, uniqueness of their material and spiritual heritage. Theoretical statements of the study were illustrated by Iu. Kostiuk’s chronicle, the former being a prominent master whose practice contributed to the development of music art in the aforementioned countries. Iu. Kostiuk’s biography demonstrates the characteristics of his personal being, the specifics of musical and public processes of Zakarpattia and Slovakia of the 20th century. The master’s artworks reflected nearly all the spheres of music activity, i.e. pedagogy, music studies, performing activity and composition. The master’s daily life is spiritual search the result of which has been Ukrainian and Slovakian mutual cultural interaction and the art evolution of the abovementioned countries. The presented article opens up perspectives for the study of the chronicle genre and civilizational interaction. Mastering the creative heritage of Slovak artists, carried out on the territory of Ukraine, as well as studying the civilizational dialogue of the states of the 21st century, is relevant. Requested research of the personal archive of Yu. Kostyuk, which is kept in the funds of the Slovak National Museum (Svydnyk)


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