“Jewish fantasy” by Viktor Telychko within biographic discourse

  • Lesia MYKULANYNETS Mukachevo State Universitry
Keywords: biography, “Jewish Fantasy”, Viktor Telychko, Jewish culture, music art, Zakarpattia


The objective of the article is to implement arts studies analysis of “Jewish Fantasy” by Viktor Telychko and to confirm the opus ascending the level of contemporary Ukraine’s chronicle illustration while representing biographic concepts of Zakarpattia’s Jews. The research methodology of the publication involves a range of the following approaches: music studies – by the grasp of style and genre parameters of the suggested creative pattern; hermeneutic – by researching the contents of the artwork; culture studies – by investigating the philosophical basics of the community; historical – by revealing the tragic stages of the existence of the region’s Jews; biographic – by lining the parallels between Viktor Fedorovych’s individual ethic world outlook conception and the represented message of the play; analytical – by reviewing the research papers related to the study issue; theoretical generalization – by summarizing the research results. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that for the first time ever within national humanitarian studies, “Jewish Fantasy” was considered, and the following view was justified: by implementing the mental features of the ethnos and by interpreting them through the prism of subjective experience, the master manifests universal chronicle postulates. Conclusions. Biography is a unique genre defining a certain individual’s being, as well as the one of a definite region, country, citizens, etc. This process is accomplished due to the manifestation of key epoch, ideological, religious fundamentals creatively reconsidered by the master’s practical activity. Viktor Telychko is a prominent artistic person whose masterpieces explicate the parameters of local and national specifics. By implementing the ethnic dominants, he perfects the universal paradigm phenomena. Profound review of “Jewish Fantasy” has revealed its significance for demonstration, i.e.: the Jews’ ontology and the occurrence of tragic experience within the Ukrainian realities; the ethnic and cultural specifics of Zakarpattia; the features of the master’s composing style, etc. The opus contains chronicle concepts broadcasting the spiritual domains of the Jews’ life simultaneously and via fixed sense ranges, cultural codes, quotations, allusions, music and expressive means, etc. By decoding them under the current civilizational conditions, the recipient appears within an extra-temporal, over-ethnic domain where eternal philanthropic values comprising the fundamentals of various folks’ chronicles and giving moral strength to meet nowadays’ challenges, dominate.


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