The phenomenon of incunabula as the most valuable memorials of the initial period of the history of printing

  • Halyna KUZMENKO Kyiv Municipal Academy of Circus and Performing Arts
  • Veronika ZAITSEVA Boris Grinchenko Kyiv Metropolitan University
Keywords: Revival, incunabula, book engraving, xylography, woodcut, cut engraving


The article examines engraving, in particular xylography, which served as a source of knowledge, ancient books became a transitional link from handwritten to printed books, which became a record and the main visual evidence of all important historical events that took place in Russia. world. The technological, aesthetic and social prerequisites for the emergence of engraving as a new form of art in that historical period are considered. The difference between edge and incisal engraving techniques on wood and metal is highlighted. The main features of book engraving, which contributed to the invention of printing in Europe, are characterized. The engraving was the result of the realization of a powerful public demand for the reproduction of Renaissance books – as spiritual monuments and material documentary evidence of the early history of printing, as sources of knowledge and information in general. Incunabula are these important historical documents. It is not for nothing that Renaissance artists, including Filippo Brunelleschi, Leonardo da Vinci, Leon-Baptista Alberti, Albrecht Dürer and others, gained recognition not only in the field of art, but also as scientists. It is thanks to their work and professional skill that the status of art and the artist-artist is finally confirmed in society, and the art of books and book engraving spreads and spreads throughout the countries of Europe.

The article also states that along with Germany in the 15th century, Italy held a significant place among European countries in the field of printing. So, fleeing from the considerable competition that quickly swept over Germany, German printers settled in Italy, where they established their printing houses with a high level of the art of book engraving. Each of these countries managed to make a significant contribution to the development of this art.

It should be emphasized that currently there is a lack of modern studies that would highlight the prerequisites for the formation of engraving as one of the most important types of art of the Renaissance. Considering the urgency of popularizing the art of book engraving, there is a need to research preserved artifacts, in relation to incunabula – the most valuable monuments of the early history of printing, which replaced handwritten books already in the second half of the 15th century, when printing technologies were actively developing.


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