The multigenres of ukrainian artists of nowadays as a feature of the uniqueness of the domestic circus space

  • Denys SHARYKOV Kyiv Municipal Academy of Circus and Performing Arts
Keywords: acrobatic vaulting, aerial gymnastics, juggling, clowning, performative spectacles, trick elements, trickography, circus, circus artists, circus genres, equilibristics.


The article provides an art analysis of the creativity of modern domestic representatives of contemporary circus art of various genres. This is a description of today's personalities in various circus genres, namely: carpet (clown), eccentrics, equilibrists and juggling – on the examples of the work of the clown Kostyantyn Gerasimenko; aerial gymnast, acrobat and juggler Oleksandr Ampodistov; equilibrist first, vaulter Viktor Yarov. The significance of these modern representatives of domestic circus art is that they are multi-genre artists. Each of them, practicing their own circus numbers and demonstrating their creativity in circus performances and show programs, possessed several circus genres, which gave them uniqueness and inimitability.

This topic has hardly been explored in modern art criticism in the field of circology. This topic is very personalized. In Ukraine, there is a lack of high-quality systematic scientific research in the field of circus, especially the current state and creativity of representatives of the domestic circus space. The topics and specifics of the work of circus acts in the field of acrobatics, aerial gymnastics, balancing, juggling and clowning, unfortunately, are not sufficiently covered in modern art criticism, but they need to be studied due to the uniqueness and uniqueness of the artistic work of today's circus multi-genre artists. The purpose of the article is to characterize and emphasize the uniqueness of the multi-genre creativity of today's circus artists by genre, using the examples of the creativity of Kostyantyn Gerasimenko, Oleksandr Ampodistov, Viktor Yarov. An important priority in circusology is the systematic research of the creativity of modern domestic circus artists today, especially those who work in a multi-genre format, a detailed study of the specifics of their work, which is an important factor in the formation of the national heritage and the fund of unique and interesting samples in the field of circus art by genre.


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