Аrtistic innovations by Оleg Denysenko: technological searches

  • Svitlana STRELTSOVA Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University
Keywords: gessоgraphy, patented innovation, engraving, sculpture, levkas, painting, Oleh Denysenko


The article examines the work of the modern Ukrainian artist Oleg Denysenko and his innovative patented invention, which contains a combination of artistic techniques of printmaking, sculpture, levkas and painting. The research uses complex, chronological, iconological, comparative methods of analysis of the artist's works. The artistic activity of the author includes innovative discoveries, which are based on a solid foundation of stable centuries – old heritage in the field of fine arts. The technological component of the new art technique, which is called gessography, is highlighted. The main types of art, in which the author's extraordinary talent is maximally reflected, are considered in detail.

  1. Denysenko's long-term experiments with the traditional technology of levkas led to unique technical results: the artist, together with his colleague I. Khudyakov, invented, improved and patented a new technique, a type of visual art called “gessography” (the authors' term), which exists at the intersection of icon painting , prints and paintings. Oleg and Oleksandr Denysenko, father and son, are considered the authors of the invention.

The technique of creating works of art with new approaches to image formation and the use of experimental technologies is analyzed. Attention was drawn to the technological features of the performance of works, the stages of performance. The semiotic meaning of symbols and images that fill the compositional space of works is highlighted. Attention is focused on revealing the peculiarities of the author's implementation of traditional technological processes in combination with an innovative approach to self-expression in classical forms of art. The themes of the works are revealed, which are embodied in painstaking processing of details and a refined, aesthetic approach in the presentation of technology. Samples of works of art made by the author in different years and in different types of art are considered: etching, sculpture and leukasy, but reincarnated by the artist in the new technology of the innovative invention of “gessography”.


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