Features of the Ukrainian national school of book design of the IId half of the 20th century as a sample of national publishing children's literature “Weselka”

  • Veronika ZAITSEVA Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University
  • Alla BUIHASHEVA Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University
  • Alla TARANNYK Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University
Keywords: publishing “Weselka”, art, artist, children's book, research, illustration, cover, design


Domestic book publishing for children cannot be considered without taking into account the publishing products of the National Publishing House of Children's Literature “Weselka”. The creative output of the publishing house occupies a special place in the realm of Ukrainian book art. In particular, in the formation of the artistic taste and spirituality of the little reader, in the design and illustration and printing of the book. The research highlights and substantiates the main factors of the creation of the school of illustration and publication design, as well as the contribution of this publishing center to the revival of the artistic design of a children's book of Ukraine.

Research methodology consists in the application of general scientific methods (analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, unity of historical and logical); art history methods (comparative, typological, descriptive) and the method of practical design. The study of the peculiarities of the school of illustration and layout of books of the “Weselka” publishing house as a sample of the leading artistic and visual and compositional and architectural level of publications for children.

In the 2d half of the 20th century, Ukrainian book art focused on the spiritual development of the nation. So, during this period, the traditions of national art prevailed in the “Weselka” publishing house. In general, the publishing house is distinguished by a fairly high culture of artistic layout design, a strong school of illustration, font design, and a high-quality literary component.

In the publishing space of Ukraine, the 1990s were marked by the development of information technologies, and the publishing house “Weselka” in particular became a pioneer in the implementation of then new computer graphics programs for designing book layouts and improving color correction of artistic illustrations. This made it possible to significantly improve and modernize the architecture of children's books, while preserving the traditions of manual book graphic arts.

Attracting the best graphic designers and designers, the publishing house of children's literature “Weselka” in the second half of the 20th century demonstrates a high level of book art and can serve as an example of the Ukrainian school of children's book design and an interesting object of research.


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