Typhlography and typhlocommentation as a component of the special disciplines of design students

  • Nadiia BABII Vasyl Stefanyc Precarpathian National University
  • Bohdan HUBAL Vasyl Stefanyc Precarpathian National University
  • Iryna Chmelyk Vasyl Stefanyc Precarpathian National University
Keywords: professional education of a designer, typhlography, typhlocommenting, people with blindness, experimental practices, accessibility, universal design, multisensory perception.


The aim of the publication is the systematization of typhography among the disciplines of the main and elective cycles of design students, taking into account the areas of its application. Experimental practices of teachers and students of the Department of Design and Theory of Art of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpational National University related to the tactile adaptation of works of art and objects of the external environment are highlighted. Users of the practice are people with blindness or eye injuries, as well as specialized museum exhibitions, city and regional clubs of the Ukrainian society of the blind, and specialized educational institutions. This is the first study in domestic science devoted to the description and analysis of typhlomethodics in the study of the disciplines of the special cycle of design students. The scientific systematization and consolidation of typhlothematics in the educational programs of the department and the practical use of the results of the author's research in exhibition activities are demonstrated. The methodology is based on a comparison of the concepts of typhology, visual art and subject environment. The methods of field research, creative thinking and logical reasoning were used. The authors demonstrate the practical application of the principles of typhography in the course topics: special drawing-special painting, 3D graphics, history and theory of art and design (by specialization), project graphics and mock-up, architectural typhography, production practice, bachelor's, master's project, etc. A multi-criteria analysis of the collected research material was carried out, including: comparison of typhography with traditional graphics, painting or architectural drawings, practical methods of presenting objects, planes, textures, spaces in the performed adaptations were given. Spatial capabilities of typhography, values ​​and cognitive difficulties of recognition by people with visual impairments are analyzed, directions of usefulness of typhographic image in each field of design research are determined. The media coverage of the exhibition projects assured us of the social value of research on typhographic adaptations and determined the priorities for further development in this field.


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