Variety song creativity of Hanna Havrylets in the interpretation of Zhanna Bodnaruk

  • Veronika LEVKO Kyiv Regional Council “Pavlo Chubynsky Academy of Arts”
Keywords: musical art, Ukrainian variety art, variety song, composer, arrangement, vocal interpretation, Hanna Havrylets, Zhanna Bodnaruk.


The article examines the variety song genre in the work of the Ukrainian composer Hanna Havrylets in the context of its musical and stylistic differentiation and transformation in the interpretive versions of Zhanna Bodnaruk, a bright Ukrainian variety singer whose voice gave stage life to numerous masterpieces of modern Ukrainian composers. For the first time, the article analyzes the genre, stylistic, figurative, meaningful and compositional features of variety songs by Hanna Havrylets (“One Rain Song”, “At Night I'll Ask”, “Autumn Blizzard”, “Rain Girl”), and also characterizes the vocal performance style of their interpretive versions performed by Zhanna Bodnaruk. Special attention is paid to the performing methods of the singer in the work on the disclosure of the musical image in the mentioned songs, including the selection and combination of vocal techniques for building the performance dramaturgy of the work and deepening its figurative content.

This article also describes the work methods of the arranger Anatolii Karpenko on the creation of stylistic interpretations of musical works by Hanna Havrylets of the variety genre. It was found that the compositional style of the author's songs makes it possible to realize them in the format of variety music, such as pop-funk, jazz and blues. In the context of the analysis of song compositions, the question of the embodiment of the figurative and emotional component of the poetic text and the images of nature present in them with musical means of expression by both the composer and the arranger is also considered. The rich palette of diverse musical and poetic images of variety songs analyzed in the article indicates that Hanna Havrylets as a composer did not distinguish between «serious» and «light» genres in her work, but with the same approach realized her compositional skill in both genres – classical and variety music.


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