Restoration processes in the art life of Kamyanets region 18th-19th centuries

  • Natalia URSU Kamianets-Podilskyi National Ivan Ohiienko University
Keywords: restoration, sacred architecture, art, creative heritage, Kamyanechchyna (Kamyanets region), portrait, painting


The article is devoted to the consideration of some restoration processes that took place in the life of monuments of architecture, sculpture, and painting, as the source of the cultural life of Kamyanets region of the 18-19 centuries and aims to highlight the restoration component of certain objects in a historical and cultural context. The relevance of the topic raised in the article demonstrates that for the first time the restoration component of the artistic heritage of Kamyanechchyna of the 18th-19th centuries considered as an informational source of cultural and artistic life of the region. The article examines specific examples of revitalization processes in the artistic life of the region to draw the attention of scientists to more in-depth studies of this phenomenon. The pictorial compositions selected for analysis are highlighted as a significant informational component of the process of formation of culture and art of the region.

Based on funds and archives, the names of prominent benefactors who offered significant funds for the restoration of works of art on the lands of the region are presented. The names of the authors of architectural monuments, monumental paintings, works of easel painting are given. Prominent cultural figures of Western European art, architects, painters, and their works that reflected the situation in the art and culture of the region are mentioned. Archival sources containing information about finds and restoration measures for works of art are analyzed. Active international connections of representatives of the intelligentsia of the region are noted, which influenced the development of pan-European trends in the cultural and artistic environment of Kamyanechchyna. Some restored objects of architecture, as well as paintings with images of prominent representatives of the intelligentsia in these areas, were analyzed. Special attention is focused on examples of portraits and their restoration, which acquires analytical depth, leads to aesthetic awareness of the image, and begins to develop as an independent direction in the preservation of works.


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