Features of the specificity and uniqueness of the contemporary Canadian Cirque du Soleil in the context of circology research

  • Denys SHARYKOV Kyiv Municipal Academy of Circus and Performing Arts
  • Dmytro OREL Kyiv Municipal Academy of Circus and Performing Arts
  • Kostiantyn HERASYMENKO Kyiv Municipal Academy of Circus and Performing Arts
Keywords: circus art, performing arts, circus genres, circus theatricalization, Cirque du Soleil, acrobatics, juggling, aerial gymnastics, performance, circus directing, circus show program


The statement of the problem in the article determines the specificity and uniqueness contemporary Canadian Cirque du Soleil in the context of circology research under the terms of this. The purpose of the study is to determine the specific features of the robot, staging theatrical circus performances, as well as the uniqueness of this company today among other circus structures. The state of research on this issue in the scientific literature on circus genres is analyzed. The specific features and genres of circus juggling are characterized. The historical characteristics and features of the demonstration of Canadian Cirque du Soleil circus shows to the audience are highlighted.

The article defines the characteristic features of formal technical means in the architectonics and directing of circus genres, as well as their embodiment in the stage representation of theatrical circus show programs.

The research methodology is based on the application of an integrated approach to the study of the circus culture of related arts. In addition, methods are used – empirical, descriptive, general scientific, as well as methods of comparative analysis and synthesis. The article provides a brief analysis of the studies of predecessors on this issue in the context of history and circus performance. The specificity of the artistic and applied features of the director's production of contemporary Cirque du Soleil today, which contributes to the attractiveness of the perception of the viewer today, is described. And also, a demonstration of the uniqueness of circus genres and techniques: vaulting acrobatics and eccentricity, juggling with diabolo, antipode, air flight, air belts, clowning, vocals, contemporary choreography with a high level of theatrical acting, pantomime and plastique.

Contemporary Canadian Cirque du Soleil today is a unique example and synthesis of the interaction of stage genres, namely the contemporary conceptual circus (without animals), theater and performance, ballet, as well as demonstrations of the latest pyrotechnic and computer technologies, materials, forms, structures and devices.


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