Anthology of the flight in creative art of Oleg Denisenko

  • Yuliia ROMANENKOVA Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University
  • Svitlana STRELTSOVA Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University
Keywords: graphics, hesography, levkas, bookplate, bronze, flight, Middle Ages, Renaissance, image, symbol


The article is dedicated to the work of the Lviv artist Oleg Denysenko. The versatility of the master, who addresses many types and genres of art, experimenting with various techniques and materials, is emphasized. Printmaking (intaglio printing, xylography printing techniques) are positioned as the main field of artist experiments. Emphasis is placed on the technique “hesography” invented by the author, which is at the junction of graphic arts, painting. Emphasis is placed on the artist's appeal to the heritage of various cultures, his study of the traditions of various historical eras. The main symbols, signs, plots that the author exploits in all his works are considered. Etruscan, Scythian, Tryplian, Eastern Slavic, art, the Middle Ages, and the Renaissance are presented as models on which the Lviv artist is oriented. The dominant motifs characteristic of all types of O. Denysenko's art were analyzed, the main of which was the motif of flight. The importance of music for the artist's work is emphasized, which musical material accompanies throughout his life, influencing the character of his works. The reference to the symbolism of wings, the story line of flight, found in book illustration, printmaking, hesography, levkas, ex-libris, decorative and applied art, sculpture is systematized. Examples of works on the motif of flight in the techniques of printed graphics (lino engraving, etching), hesography, levkas, bronze sculpture in the period from the beginning of the 2000s were considered. Chronological, biographical, comparative, and complex methods were used. It is emphasized that to date, in the domestic humanities, due attention has not been paid to the work of the artist, who can be called the heritage of Ukrainian modern art, which allows us to consider his creative baggage as one of the most promising tasks for research.


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