Cultural space of creative industries

  • Svyatoslav GALYUK National Academy of Management of Culture and Arts
Keywords: culture, creative industries, directing, creative product, cinematography, television, intellectual games, quizzes, creative potential


The purpose of the work is to justify scientific approaches to defining the essence of creative industries, identifying ways of their functioning, and outlining specific ways of development in the context of the television and film industry. The author reveals the specified topic, relying on the legislation of Ukraine and scientific works of Ukrainian and foreign researchers. The researcher emphasizes that todayʾs creative industries provide a chance to realize the intellectual potential of the individual, to reveal creative talents and to have a powerful influence on the cultural and artistic processes in the modern globalized world. It is shown that creative industries appeared in the economy and culture of Ukraine at the end of the 20th and the beginning of the 21st century and began to develop quite quickly. This phenomenon is explained by the fact that the foundation of creative industries is intellectual and creative capital. This factor contributed to the interest in the development of creative industries in the Ukrainian society, which had a high level of unemployment. The focus of creative industries on small businesses contributed to their rapid development in Ukraine. The high level of interest of television in the development of creative industries through the creation of intellectual shows and quizzes for different age categories and with different topics is shown. The phenomenon of modern television as a perfect communication system of culture, which has a wide audience, is analyzed. It was determined that television production of such entertainment products as intellectual shows, quizzes and quizzes gives participants and viewers the opportunity to win various prizes, including monetary prizes. It is clarified how participation and victory in intellectual games has a positive effect on the further fate of the heroes of television projects. The specifics of promoting creative industries by means of cinematography are covered. It is indicated that the production of a film related to the popularization of intellectual games gave an opportunity to enrich not only the producers of the film, but also the performers.

The researcher used an interdisciplinary approach in revealing the topic. During the research, historical and cultural, generalizing and systemic methods were applied. This made it possible to highlight the essence of creative industries and consider their functioning in the context of the television and film industries. The author established that the development of creative industries in Ukraine requires state protectionism, consistent adaptation of foreign experience, in particular, in the field of production and distribution of screen products.


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