Challenges and problems of the modern academic art school after the reform of education in Ukrainian art higher education institutions

  • Serhii BRYLOV Borys Grinchenko Kyiv Metropolitan University
  • Valentyna KUZMICHOVA Borys Grinchenko Kyiv Metropolitan University
  • Volodymyr KOLESNYKOV National Academy of Fine Arts and Architecture
Keywords: academicism, sculpture, painting, academic school, visual arts, design, contemporary conditions, technologies, education


The academic school in fine arts and design has played a significant role in the development of these fields by establishing strict standards of beauty and professionalism based on antiquity and the Renaissance era. However, in the modern world, considering cultural and technological changes, the relevance of such standards has become a subject of discussion. Therefore, following educational reforms in Ukraine, it needs to adapt to new challenges, combining past traditions with innovative trends to provide students with quality training. With the reform, reviewing the relevance, problems, and approaches to interpreting the goals of art education becomes important. In contemporary conditions, defining the purpose of art education requires clarification and supplementation. The concept of the process from teacher to student is the foundation of learning in the academic art school. The research methodology is based on cultural-historical analysis, which allows for an in-depth study of contemporary artistic processes and experimentation in art, contributing to the further development of artistic creativity. The article examines the value of traditional and innovative approaches to art education in Ukraine and their impact on shaping a new generation of artists in the digital era. The creative activity of teachers, as actively practicing artists, is an important source of personal experience they can pass on to their students. This helps students gain practical knowledge and skills necessary for their professional development and creativity. An objective assessment of historical realities and the study of artistic-pedagogical trends will assist in improving scientific-pedagogical research and ensure the prospects for the development of Ukrainian higher artistic-pedagogical education in the European educational space. It emphasizes that academic skills serve as a basis for further development of an artist, and also highlights the importance of considering the competitiveness of graduates in the international art space in the context of higher education reform in Ukraine. Such an article is important for understanding the impact of reform on Ukrainian art education and for determining ways to further develop this direction.       


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