Images and forms in modern art and design under the influence of war time

  • Liliia ZHURAVEL-ZMIEIEVA National Academy of Management of Culture and Arts
Keywords: wartime, artistic image, modern art, transformation of the image of Ukraine, visual media, modern digital illustration.


War is a powerful driver of changes and transformations of social processes in the state, global restructuring of society and mental identification of the individual. Military actions in Ukraine, in the 21st century, significantly changed the worldview of the Ukrainian nation, which was reflected in the artistic works of modern authors. Permanent artistic images, formed under the influence of Soviet ideology, have undergone significant changes, in some places they have been completely erased, replaced by modern, relevant ones, corresponding to the times and moods of the people. Visual means, based on the principles of academic rules of composition, color, etc., nevertheless, have significantly changed in connection with the use of modern computer technologies. An innumerable spectrum of stylistics, forms, materials, and techniques enriched the palette of used images. The dynamics of the works have changed, the expressiveness of the color palette, the insight of pictorial motifs, the degree of emotionality of the author's idea has increased. Ukrainian artists, having absorbed the war into their souls, rejected the conventions and plunged into the experiment, bearing the pain of the heart through art, in all known and unusual ways and methods. Since 2014, the war has traumatized people, lands, and the country, destroyed and damaged cities and villages, and introduced terrible motifs into the Ukrainian landscape. Ukrainian artists responded to catastrophic events and turned the consequences of war into art objects, involving previously unknown forms in the creative process. The reinterpretation of such forms and images in Ukrainian creativity fundamentally influenced the modern artistic language, expanded the range of pictorial possibilities, removed obstacles in the integration of the national work into the world space, narrowed the communicative field between the peoples of the world and Ukrainians, their truth and struggle. The ideological and philosophical views of modern Ukrainian art have changed the direction of their movement in the direction of democratic values, people-centered system.


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