Artistic visualization of the new Russian-Ukrainian war through the prism of Polish street art

  • Ruslana SHERETIUK Rivne State Humanities University
Keywords: Russian-Ukrainian war, art of resistance, Polish street art, mural, graffiti, metaphor, hyperbolization, symbol.


The article contains the result of collection, systematization and analysis of Polish street art works in support of Ukraine, and also its tools in understanding and interpreting the events of the latest Russian-Ukrainian war. The methodology of research is based on visual analysis of a number of works of Polish street art, analytical and art historical methods, as well as a systematic approach. Scientific novelty of investigation lies in the fact, that it is one of the first attempts in domestic art history, to generalize the works of the artistic community of Poland in support of Ukraine. It was found, that representatives of the Polish street art effectively demonstrated expressive solidarity with Ukraine in its military confrontation with Russian army of occupation. From the first days of a full-scale Russian invasion, many anti-war murals and graffiti have appeared in Polish cities, created by local artists, because of their inner need to publicize in such way a “gesture of solidarity” with Ukraine. It is emphasized, that these works of Polish street art are public declaration of goodwill, sensitivity, sincerity, cordiality of Polish people, sympathy for the suffering of the Ukrainians, caused by Russian military aggression. It is emphasized, that artistic visualization of the latest Russian-Ukrainian war in works of Polish street art is implemented by using a wide palette of artistic tools, in particular metaphors. It was found, that a number of works of Polish street large-format painting is closed to hyperbolization – stylistic method of overstatement, which is used by their artists to increase expressiveness of the content and emotional impact on the viewer. It is shown, that the anti-war street art of Poland contains a deep artistic and figurative content, which is full of symbols. It is summarized, that the works of Polish street art artists in support of Ukraine -are cultural artistic manifestations not only of condemnation, but also of opposition to Russian expansion, visual narratives of unity and solidarity of Ukrainian and Polish people under the conditions of Russian-Ukrainian war.


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