Abstract motifs in the works by Gennady Pugachevsky

  • Yuliia ROMANENKOVA National Academy of Fine Arts and Architecture
  • Yuriy YEFIMOV Borys Grinchenko Kyiv Metropolitan University
  • Yuriy VOLGIN Borys Grinchenko Kyiv Metropolitan University
Keywords: printmaking, xylography, plastic engraving, ex-libriis, abstract motifs, Gennady Pugachewsky


The creativity of the Kyiv artist Gennady Pugachevsky (b. in 1966) is currently one of the most promising topics for study in the field of Ukrainian humanitarian studies. This is a material that demonstrates Ukraine's path to the world cultural space, because the creative output of this artist is the best tool for art integration into the foreign artistic process.                               G. Pugachevsky, like his father, Arkady Pugachevsky, is a multidisciplinary artist working in printmaking, watercolor painting, graphic design, and academic drawing. In many countries of the world, he is well known thanks to his mini-print, primarily bookplates. Recognition of the professional level of the artist is confirmed by the fact that he is the winner of                            14 prestigious awards at international drawing competitions of various levels and a member of two English trade unions – the Royal Society of Graphic and Painters and the Society of Wood Engravers. The master's printmaking are xylography, plastic engraving, both black and white and multi-colored. The subjects of both the free engraving and the book plate are diverse – mythological subjects, religious compositions, portrait studies, allegorical scenes, etc. All genres are united by one feature, which is the highlight of the artist's manner and makes his style unmistakably recognizable – stylization of a high professional level. The tendency to use symbols and sign language lead to a rather frequent appeal to abstract compositions. Sometimes the stylization in the plot compositions is so strong that they actually turn into abstract images, in the reading of which the viewer is a co-author, that his imagination continues the image creation process started by the artist. The object of analysis of this intelligence is precisely the abstract compositions of Gennady Pugachevsky as the quintessence of the main characteristic features of his individual style.


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