School of modern Ukrainian juggling: leading masters, dominants of professional activity

  • Yuriy POZDNYAKOV Kyiv Municipal Academy of Circus and Performing Arts
Keywords: circus art, juggling, KMACPA, performer, props


The article reveals a number of issues in the field of juggling as a segment of circus art. The issue of training specialists is covered, mainly based on the material of the Kyiv Municipal Academy of Circus and Performing Arts (KMACPA). Information about the methods of training and rehearsals of jugglers was most often kept secret and passed down from father to son in circus dynasties. The lack of information did not contribute to the development of the art of juggling. There was no special literature on teaching methods, props were made to order, as a result, knowledge was transferred through direct contact between the teacher and the performer. Therefore, many jugglers were similar to each other and differed only in the technique of performance and the complexity of tricks. With the development of the video industry, with the appearance of amateur circus studios, a large number of young people became interested in juggling in different countries of the world. Industry also responded to the interest in juggling, today it is factories manufacturing circus props in Europe and America. They make high-quality juggling props, test them in the wind tunnel, calibrate the weight, which gave amateurs and professionals the opportunity to reach a higher level of skill. Today you can see jugglers in the park, in recreation areas, etc. The interest in this type of circus art is so great that amateurs and professionals began to unite in studios and juggling associations. the latest methods for teaching juggling allow you to use objects of different configurations, sizes and weights. It is worth moving away from classic props made especially for juggling, looking for new tricks and combinations, plastic solutions with the body. But there is a stereotypical public perception of the juggling genre. That is, the audience is used to seeing a juggler as a cheerful guy or girl with a fast pace of performing tricks, a bright costume with sequins, and not everyone is ready to accept the philosophical direction of the show with a plot and story. Therefore, one of the tasks of the article is to protest a number of stereotypes regarding circus art in general and juggling in particular.


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