Sketching as an effective tool in artistic creativit

  • Svitlana PASHUKOVA Kyiv National University of Technology and Design
  • Daria CHEMBERZHI Kyiv National University of Technology and Design
  • Antonina DUBRIVNA Kyiv National University of Technology and Design
Keywords: sketching, creative process, sketching methods, practical tool, idea visualization, artistic creativity, visual arts


This article explores the aspects of sketching as a unique practical tool for realizing authorial concepts in artistic practice. It analyzes various methods, approaches, techniques, and strategies employed by artists, designers, and other professionals in the realm of visual representation, leading to the classification of key types of sketching. The research methodology is based on a systematic approach to studying sketching and the comprehensive use of analytical-structural, comparative, and empirical methods, as well as modeling and generalization. The study reveals the positive impact of sketching on the formation and development of authorial concepts and the realization of artistic and design projects. It emphasizes the role of sketching as an important communicative element in collaborative work on visual production and its significance in achieving success in creative professions within the visual arts field. Sketching, both as an independent form of artistic activity and as a crucial stage in the creative process, allows artists and designers to visualize their explorations. This process holds practical value as it helps generate and develop new ideas, experiment with different solutions, and depict thoughts on paper or in digital format,  which opens up wide opportunities for the development of an individual style. The application of various sketching methods enables the identification of optimal approaches to working with ideas and concepts. The research findings demonstrate that sketching contributes to the development of creative thinking, enhances communication and collaboration within creative collectives, and facilitates success in creative professions. Sketching, as a creative process, can stimulate a positive emotional reaction from creativity, providing aesthetic satisfaction and lead to the achievement of new peaks in artistic activity, encouraging constant improvement.


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