Life and creative work of Ivan Yizhakevich based on personal file materials from the Central State archive museum of literature and art of Ukraine

  • Anna VOLKOVA Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University
Keywords: Fine Arts, Graphic arts, Fonts, Ukraine, late 19th – middle 20th centuries, Ivan Yizhakevych


The article is dedicated to new datas on the life and work of the famous Ukrainian artist, the luminary of Ukrainian art Ivan Sydorovych Yizhakevych, which relate to the field of artistic graphic arts. They were identified and systematized thanks to the materials of the Central State Archive-Museum of Literature and Art of Ukraine. In particular, three cases from the personal fund of the artist No. 58 (“Izhakevich I. S. – Ukrainian Soviet artist, People's Artist of the Ukrainian SSR”), available in description 1. Yes, the data of case 60 – “Samples of ornamented fonts. Tracing paper, ink, pen, pencil. 16.6x11.7; 14.8x13.5; 21, 1x26.1; 18.5x17.2”, cases 61 – “Sample of the font and the text “Holy Virgin Mary!...” Paper, tracing paper, ink, pen, pencil. 13.4x11.2; 17.6x20.6” and cases 65 – “Samples of plaques for classrooms and classrooms. Paper, pencil. 23.3x18.9”, allow you to understand the work of the master in the field of type graphics of the 1890s – 1920s. Another important primary source that concerns the life and work of a well-known master in the field of monumental art, icon painting, and artistic illustration of a number of Ukrainian periodicals of the late 19th and middle 20th centuries of Ivan Yizhakevych is file 45 from the first inventory of volume 2 of fund 581 “Union of Artists of Ukraine”. “The personal file of the deceased member of the Union of Artists of Ukraine                        I. S. Yizhakevych” contains important data not only about the graphic heritage of the artist, but also about the significant, milestone events of his fruitful creative life as an outstanding Kyivan. First of all, information about recommendations for the Honored and People's Artist of the Ukrainian SSR, a list of exhibitions, best works, photos from performances, etc. The identified archival documents will allow a new appreciation of the artist's legacy, his remarkable achievements in the field of book graphics, which have not yet been the subject of a separate study.


1. Гунька А. Матеріали Івана Їжакевича в фондах Центрального державного архіву-музею літератури і мистецтва України. Дев’яті Платонівські читання. Тези доповідей Міжнародної наукової конференції. Київ: ФОП О. Лопатіна, 2021. Сс. 31-32.
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3. Їжакевич І. Зразки орнаментованих шрифтів. Калька, туш, перо, олівець. 16,6х11,7; 14,8х13,5; 21, 1х26,1; 18,5х17,2. ЦДАМЛМУ. Ф. 58. Іжакевич І. С. – український радянський художник, народний художник УРСР. Оп. 1. Спр. 60. На 4-х арк. 1900-ті рр.
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8. Сторчай О. З листів Івана Їжакевича до Федора Коновалюка (1941–1961 рр.): до 155-річчя від дня народження І. Їжакевича. Рукописна та книжкова спадщина України. Київ, 2018. Вип. 22. Сс. 479-508, 15 с. додатків.
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