Trends and perspectives of universal design for cases of disability and low mobile population groups

  • ANASTASIIA VARYVONCHYK Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts
Keywords: universal design, barrier-free space, barrier-free, accessibility, safety


Modern trends and prospects of foreign and Ukrainian technical and artistic design activities are determined by the development of material and spiritual culture of society, progress in science and technology. The purpose of the article is to analyze the social and cultural aspects of the conceptual essence of the principles of universal design, to determine its trends and prospects for persons with disabilities and low-mobility population groups in Ukraine. The research methodology includes the methods of study, generalization, analysis and synthesis performed with the help of logical and abstract thinking. Universal design is considered in the field of social and cultural problems. The trends and perspectives of universal design have been clarified. Interdisciplinary complex research corresponds to the logic of scientific research and is the sphere of interaction of sociology, cultural studies, architecture, construction, etc. It has been established that universal design is a general cultural factor that has an impact on socio-cultural existence, life and work capacity of a person. Scientific apparatus and the logic of artistic thinking were used to understand social and innovative processes. With the help of universal planning and design in the socio-cultural space, new norms and criteria are formed, opportunities for the full existence of an individual in society are expanded, combining barrier-free, accessibility, convenience, informativeness, safety. The socio-cultural orientation of Ukraine towards common European values ​​and standards in solving the global problems of humanity is emphasized. The emergence of that development of the new directly in design, social, economic and cultural significance of universal design will require scientific theoretical understanding, which indicates the relevance of the research.


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