Font compositions by Ivan Yizhakevych in the design of works of periodicals of the end of the 19th – beginning of the 20th century

  • Anna HUNKA


The article is dedicated to the development of fonts by Ivan Yizhakevich (1864-1962) at the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th centuries. In this period of time, a prominent Kyiv artist, a graduate of the Lavra Icon Painting School and a student of the Kyiv Drawing School, Mykola Murashka 1882-1884, in 1883 was invited to participate in the project at the suggestion of the famous artist M. Vrubel and the professor of the Kyiv University of St. Volodymyr A. Prakhov restoration of the 12th century frescoes in Kyiv's St. Cyril's Church.

            While gaining experience working with autochthonous original story paintings on biblical themes and ornamentation of the said ensemble, the artist deeply immersed himself in the study of the layer of Kyiv Russian culture, in particular handwritten fonts and braids. Until recently, only his developments were known for the periodicals of 1888-1917 (“Painting Review”, “Niva”, “World Illustration”), which were published starting from the time of his studies at the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts (1884-1890).

            However, it turned out that in the funds of the Central State Archive-Museum of Literature and Art of Ukraine in Sofia, Kyiv, there are five files with sketches by Ivan Sidorovich, which shed light on the processes of the artist's creative search for font and ornamental compositions.

            In particular, these are cases 59, 60, 61, 64, 65 of description 1 of fund 58 – “Izhakevich I. S. – Ukrainian Soviet artist, People's Artist of the Ukrainian SSR”. The most interesting of them is case 59 – “Samples of Church Slavonic fonts and ornaments”, which contains three sheets with sketches of font and ornamental compositions drawn with ink pen and graphite pencil on tracing paper (undated, made around the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries).

            In them, Ivan Yizhakevich tried to rethink the national heritage of the pre-Mongol era, the times of the greatness of the Kyivan Rus' state, and also experimented with Gothic, Renaissance and early Baroque ornamental compositions with fonts.


Гунька А. Матеріали Івана Їжакевича в фондах Центрального державного архіву-музею літератури і мистецтва України. Дев’яті Платонівські читання. Тези доповідей Міжнародної наукової конференції. Київ: ФОП О. Лопатіна, 2021. Сс. 31-32.

Їжакевич І. Зразки орнаментованих шрифтів. Калька, туш, перо, олівець. 16,6х11,7; 14,8х13,5; 21, 1х26,1; 18,5х17,2. ЦДАМЛМУ. Ф. 58. Іжакевич І. С. – український радянський художник, народний художник УРСР. Оп. 1. Спр. 60. На 4-х арк. 1900-ті рр.

Рис. 4. Фотокопія орнаментально-шрифтової розробки Івана Сидоровича Їжакевича доеволюційного періоду. Калька, олівець. Фонд 58 ЦДАМЛМУ, оп. 1, спр. 60, арк. 3. м. Київ.

Публікується вперше.

Їжакевич І. С. Зразки церковно-слов’янських шрифтів і орнаментів. Калька, туш, перо, графітний олівець. ЦДАМЛМУ. Ф. 58. Оп. 1. Спр. 59. На 3 арк. [Без дати].

Їжакевич І. С. Зразки оформлення табличок для кабінетів і класів. Папір, олівець. 23,3х18,9. ЦДАМЛМУ. Ф. 58. Оп. 1. Спр. 65. На 1 арк. 1920-ті рр.

Їжакевич І. С. Зразок шрифта і текст «Пресвятая Дево Богородіце!..» Папір, калька, туш, перо, олівець. 13,4х11,2; 17,6х20,6. ЦДАМЛМУ. Ф. 58. Оп. 1. Спр. 61. На 2-х арк. Без дати.

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Особова справа померлого члена Спілки художників України І. С. Їжакевича. ЦДАМЛМУ. Ф. 581 «Спілка художників України». Оп. 2, Т. 1. Спр. 45. Арк. 132-210. На 223 арк.
