Ukrainian neo-baroque in architectural forms of creativity is one of the national self-identifiers

  • Anatoly BROVCHENKO
Keywords: Ukrainian Baroque, neo-baroque, art, design, traditional folk art, architecture, identifier


The article reveals the phenomenon of Ukrainian Baroque and neo-baroque and its importance for the self-identification of the Ukrainian ethnos in the conditions of modern socio-economic upheavals, the establishment of Ukrainian statehood, globalization processes and the blurring of national identities. It represents a means of revealing “Ukrainianness” through unique cultural traditions, ethno design in the cruel world of competition between states and nations. The material presents the peculiarities of the European Baroque artistic style, which penetrated all the types of art and gave birth to its national schools in European countries.

European Baroque, having landed on the fertile soil of Ukraine, under the influence of folk art, aesthetic tastes and ideals, acquired national features, local identity, acquired the name Ukrainian Baroque or Cossack Baroque.

It is emphasized that one of the main features of the artistic creation of Ukrainians is decorativeness and that baroque had a significant impact on Ukrainian culture.

It is noted about the combination of the experience of European art with the originality of the ethnic understanding of beauty in art in the Ukrainian Baroque.

The influence of the Baroque was so strong that even folk art, which is quite conservative, was under its influence.

The article presents the periodicals and features of two “waves” of Ukrainian neo-baroque and their features.

The study indicates that the Ukrainian Baroque is one of the sources of the Ukrainian avant-garde, and can therefore understand the latter as a kind of “neo-baroque”.

There is an opinion that the baroque culture of Ukraine has a three-hundred-year history and many consider it a manifestation of national identity and a symbol of Ukrainian statehood.

Nowadays, Ukrainian Baroque and neo-baroque manifest themselves in modern architecture, decorative and applied arts, design, fine arts as a manifestation of features of national consciousness filled with its own historical experience.

The author gives examples of manifestations of Ukrainian Baroque in various types of art in different historical periods. In particular, he focuses on the presence of Baroque in the collections of clothes and furniture of world-famous Ukrainian designers who represent Ukraine at international exhibitions.


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